Eventful Endeavors: Navigating the Seven Seas of Seamless Event Planning

Throughout my years of experience as an administrative professional, I’ve undertaken a diverse array of tasks – some that I loved and others – not so much.

Event planning is one of those tasks.

Recognizing that business owners often need time they don’t have for such endeavors, they frequently delegate event planning responsibilities to an event planner.

In my case, the company I work for routinely taps into my skills to organize events, and surprisingly, I have found great enjoyment in this role.

On one occasion, we orchestrated a staff appreciation dinner, seamlessly incorporating a surprise 5-year milestone celebration for one team member. The chosen venue was a pirate-themed restaurant, complete with maritime décor and waterside seating.

Enthusiastically, I scoured Pinterest for Pirate Tablescape ideas, then visited Michaels and Dollar Tree for cost-effective decorations. The digital announcements and invitations were infused with pirate language, such as “Ahoy Maties, ye be invited to…” and “Deserters be swabbin’ the decks an’ walkin’ the plank,” setting the tone for the event.

Executing the setup at the restaurant was a breeze, and leaving work early to adorn the venue was imperative. The event was a resounding success; attendees enjoyed the food, and the impromptu milestone celebration was a delightful surprise.

Naturally, such feats aren’t accomplished alone. An essential lesson in event planning is recognizing when to seek assistance. And I had a lot of it!

A milestone celebration may sound silly, but planning events that foster employee appreciation is important.

This pirate-themed milestone celebration wasn’t the only type of event I planned. Virtual Assistants and Administrative Professionals orchestrate various business events, including corporate meetings, conferences, business lunches, fundraisers, team-building events, etc. 

For those intrigued by the prospect of event planning, here are nine fundamental steps I follow:

  1. Clearly define the event’s purpose: Having a well-defined purpose helps guide all planning decisions.
  2. Establish a budget: Develop a budget that outlines all potential expenses, including venue costs, catering, decorations, and marketing. 
  3. Find an appropriate venue: Choose a venue that aligns with the event’s purpose, comfortably accommodating the expected number of attendees. 
  4. Select a menu that suits the occasion: Tailor the event’s menu to match the tone and purpose. 
  5. Arrange a fitting décor scheme: Create a visually appealing atmosphere that complements the event’s theme and purpose. 
  6. Ensure the availability of necessary technical equipment: Identify and secure all required specialized equipment in advance, including projectors, screens, audio systems, and any other technology crucial for presentations or communication.
  7. Guarantee an ample supply of beverages and coffee: Provide a variety of beverages to suit different preferences and keep attendees refreshed (and awake) throughout the event. 
  8. Implement effective event marketing strategies: Develop a marketing plan to promote the event successfully. Utilize save-the-dates, invitations, and other promotional materials to generate awareness and encourage attendance.
  9. Delegate tasks wherever possible: Distribute responsibilities among a team or individuals to ensure that all aspects of the event are managed efficiently. Delegation helps prevent overwhelm and provides a coordinated effort.

As you can see, it’s a straightforward process! However, if the thought of planning an event is overwhelming, don’t hesitate to call a Virtual Assistant for help!