Your Email Signature Matters More Than You Think

Despite all the new ways to communicate today, email is still one of the most popular ways businesses interact. Every email you send is an opportunity to inspire, encourage, share, inform, and leave a lasting impression.  

What is an email signature? 

“An email signature is a section at the bottom of your email that gives the recipient information about you and your company.” That’s a definition I found on the internet. But the email signature is so much more than a block of text. Your email signature can showcase your business and bring in potential customers.  

Why does your email signature matter more than you think?  

Here are four reasons why your email signature deserves extra attention:

1. Professionalism Matters: A well-crafted email signature makes you look more professional. It’s like a virtual handshake, leaving a positive mark.

2. Contact Information: Your email signature is a mini-ID card. It’s a quick reference for those who want to know more about you and your business. There have been countless times that I have searched someone’s email signature for a phone number or an address, and I’m always so pleased when I find the information I’m looking for.

3. Brand Recognition & Efficient Communication: Including your business logo in your email signature reinforces your brand identity, and adding a link to your website is a subtle way of directing people to learn more about you and your business.

4. Memorability: A well-thought-out email signature can leave a lasting impact, making it easier for others to recognize and remember you. 

Here are four ways that will help you craft the perfect signature:

1. Font matters: Keep it easy on the eyes. Go for at least an 11-point font. You want people to read it, not squint at it. (I’m talking to you, my over forty friends).

2. Include the Essentials: Add your name, title, business name, address, email address, and phone numbers – cover all your basics. It matters.

3. Logo: Adding your business logo adds a professional touch. Link it to your website for an easy gateway to more information.

4. Alignment is Key: Ensure your signature lines up neatly with your email text. A misaligned signature defeats the purpose of looking professional. Creating an email signature might seem small, but it can significantly affect how others perceive you. 

Your email signature is a valuable tool that enhances professionalism, facilitates communication, and contributes to a positive and memorable online presence. Take a step towards crafting a great email signature, and watch how credible you become.