Six Strategies to Prevent Burnout

When starting a new business, there is so much to do that it’s often challenging to stop and rest.

At least, it was for me.

I was so excited about all I was learning and doing that I was reluctant to hit the brakes, thinking I could keep going indefinitely.

I quickly realized I couldn’t continue living like this.

I worked tirelessly, acquiring new skills, networking, writing, and creating content. But my nonstop pace eventually took a toll on my health, to the point where I fell ill.

The experience was discouraging and stressful and left me feeling like I wanted to give up.

However, I didn’t give in to that impulse. Instead, I took a few days off from everything.

During that time, I realized I needed to devise a system to prevent myself from becoming so overwhelmed that quitting seemed like the only option.

Here are six strategies I implemented to prevent burnout.  

  1. Quiet Time: I spend time with the Lord first thing in the morning, meditate on His Word, and pray. It reminds me to be grateful for all He has allowed me to accomplish thus far, and His Word encourages me to serve well, rest, and use my time wisely.
  2. Prioritizing Tasks: I maintain two lists. One is a daily to-do list, which outlines essential tasks for the day, and a weekly to-do list, which highlights priority items for the week. These lists keep me on track, helping me discern what needs attention and what I’ve already accomplished. Rather than striving to complete everything in one day, I set achievable goals for a few items.
  3. Selective Participation: I have a few non-negotiable responsibilities like my day job, church, and VA School. Additionally, networking, social media content creation, and continuous education are necessary. To effectively manage these commitments, I’ve created a strategy for selective participation. Instead of spending excessive time on each social media platform, I dedicate 15 minutes daily to each one. Face-to-face networking is limited to one hour per week. Monthly content planning ensures I’m not creating daily content, and I allocate time once a week for in-depth learning, preventing overwhelm. This approach has significantly enhanced my productivity.
  4. The Power of “No”: While networking has its appeal, it seems that everyone I meet has an e-book or guide they’d like me to peruse. To build meaningful relationships without overwhelming myself, I’ve had to learn that it’s perfectly okay to decline some of these offers. The same goes for personal invitations to special events with friends. It’s often most challenging to resist superficial distractions, such as endless Instagram scrolling or binge-watching your favorite shows. Sometimes, you must say no to things that cause more stress than rest.
  5. Daily Exercise: Daily physical activity isn’t just crucial for maintaining good health; it’s also vital for our mental well-being. A quick Google search taught me that regular exercise promotes the growth and maintenance of brain cells, enhancing cognitive function, memory, and concentration. It also reduces the production of stress hormones, such as cortisol, helping us manage and prevent stress from accumulating.
  6. Time Off: There are various levels of taking time off. I’ve found it immensely beneficial to take short breaks throughout the day. Even a quick 5-minute walk outdoors can work wonders in easing your mind, allowing you to return to your tasks with renewed focus. Stepping away from work on weekends is equally essential, giving your mind the space to explore other interests. And let’s remember the occasional vacation. It’s a crucial reminder that we work to live, not vice versa.  

These strategies have played a pivotal role in preventing burnout for me. 

Give them a try and adapt them to your journey.