Networking: Unicorn Hats and All

When I first learned that networking was a necessity, the idea nearly gave me a panic attack. It is challenging being in a room full of people I am familiar with, let alone approaching strangers and initiating a conversation.

However, as I embarked on the journey of becoming a small business owner, I recognized that networking is an integral part of the job. Gathering my courage, I asked the Lord for strength and took that leap into the big, bad, world of Networking for Introverts.

Yes, you read that correctly! Networking for Introverts!

I joined an online platform called Alignable, which hosted a group who offered Networking for Introverts. The format resembled speed dating, placing you in Zoom rooms with around thirty people, rotating through breakout rooms for six minutes with each person. After each brief interaction, you return to the main session, repeating this process about seven more times. In one hour, you could connect with eight new people on the platform for potential future collaborations.

While I expected my first experience to be terrifying, it turned out not to be as bad as anticipated.

Since that initial event, I’ve participated in various online networking sessions through Alignable, connecting with a number of friendly business owners.

Recently, I attended my first in-person networking event, and I am pleased to report that I wasn’t nervous at all. It was like being in a virtual breakout room, minus the six-minute time constraint.

Throughout this entire process, I’ve learned many valuable lessons that I believe could benefit others on a similar journey.

Here’s a glimpse of what I’ve discovered:

  • Relationships Over Sales: Networking isn’t merely about selling; it’s about cultivating meaningful connections. Building relationships takes precedence over making a quick sale. 
  • Timing is Everything: Proposing business on the first encounter can be counterproductive. It’s a little like someone proposing marriage on the very first date. Crazy right? Patience is key. Let the relationship evolve organically. 
  • Add a Personal Touch: Sending physical cards might be old-fashioned, but it’s a gesture that sets you apart. It’s a thoughtful touch that may linger in the memory of the person receiving your card. 
  • Diverse Networking Events: Not all the networking events I attended were for introverts. I eventually chose to explore other groups. You can too. Find networking events that align with your goals and interests. 
  • Polite No’s are Acceptable: Every offer will not align with your needs. It’s perfectly fine to decline gracefully, fostering respect in the process. 
  • Make Referrals: Someone once used this example to help explain referrals to me: If you own a burger restaurant, but a customer wants tacos, you could refer them to the taco restaurant down the street even though you’ve never been there yourself. That’s a referral. You can vouch for someone even without direct collaboration. Trust your instincts and be open to making referrals. 
  • Collaboration is Key: Networking isn’t only about personal gain; collaboration enhances mutual growth. Explore partnerships and alliances.
  • Not Every Connection is a Fit: It’s completely normal not to connect with everyone you meet. Emphasize the quality of your connections rather than their quantity. 
  • Unicorn Hats and All: One of the connections that stands out most in my memory was meeting Health Unicorn Mike. Mike specializes in selling health insurance and was consistently cheerful. What made him particularly memorable was his unique sense of style, sporting a cool unicorn hat that had the magical effect of making you smile throughout your entire conversation with him. While the hat serves as a distinctive attention-grabber, it’s Mike’s engaging personality that truly draws clients to his business.

The networking world is full of friendly and intriguing folks, and sometimes they wear unicorn hats!

Remember that everyone is an individual with unique experiences and stories. Take the time to understand them and enjoy the unexpected.

May these lessons resonate with you as much as they have with me. Here’s to the continued journey of building meaningful connections and discovering the richness that networking brings.

I wish you success and fulfilling connections ahead!