It’s OK To Ask For Help!

I never thought that I would start my own business. I’m just not entrepreneurial minded. At least I didn’t think I was, until my life’s circumstances dictated that I needed the freedom to be my own boss so that I could work from anywhere. 

Since I launched my business, I’ve been able to do things I never thought possible. Things I didn’t know how to do 6 months ago. I’m also really surprised at how much I’ve enjoyed the process. Even the difficult things have been teachable moments for me and have caused me to grow significantly.

While I achieved a great deal for my business, I couldn’t handle everything on my own and had to ask for help.

When I wanted to learn how to start a Virtual Assistant business, I purchased a course from The VA Connection. This taught me all I needed to know to start a business along with tips and tricks for everything from creating a business card to finding clients. It was worth every penny.

During the process of creating a graphic for my logo, I asked my brother-in-law, an artist and graphic designer, to create one for me. Once the design was conceptualized, I hired a professional from Fiverr to make it digital and transparent. This way I could use it across all media platforms as well as in print media.

In the pursuit of developing my website, I purchased a website theme and enrolled in “The Do it Yourself Website in a Box” course. This course helped me learn how to use WordPress and I am now equipped to offer this service to potential clients.

Here are various tasks that a Virtual Assistant can handle. This gives you the ability to grow your business and the freedom to pursue your passion:

  • Purchase a website host and obtain a domain name for your business, create a website for you or update your existing website
  • Set up a database of all your contacts and update your database whenever you meet new potential clients 
  • Format a newsletter and connect all your contacts to it to send out every two weeks or on a monthly basis 
  • Proofread all your content including web pages, newsletters, emails, contracts, etc. before you send them out – including link verification to make sure everything works
  • Transcribe all your video/audio files
  • Obtain an LLC or EIN number to get your business started
  • Create graphics in Canva or Adobe Illustrator to create Social Media Posts, Business Cards, Newsletter Banners, YouTube Thumbnails, Stationery, Company Logos, etc.
  • Handle the bookkeeping or create amazing Excel spreadsheets
  • Run your social media accounts and provide content for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Manage your email inbox and so much more 

Not all VAs can manage every task, but they can handle many things that will greatly simplify life for small business owners or solopreneurs.

You don’t have to do it all by yourself… Hire a Virtual Assistant!