I Want My Two Dollars: Effective AI Communication

Effective AI Communication: 5 Expert Tips for Success

Artificial Intelligence or “AI” is a hot topic these days, and it can be scary. Some folks worry about it taking away jobs, invading privacy, or causing ethical issues, like students using it to cheat on schoolwork. Another worry is loss of control. If you’ve watched The Matrix, Terminator, or Skynet, you understand.

Then again, a lot of people find AI fascinating because it can do amazing things. Like when Siri helps with daily tasks such as answering questions, setting reminders, or playing games. AI also helps in healthcare by analyzing medical data to help doctors diagnose diseases better, improves safety by guarding against online attacks, and aids in education by offering personalized learning for students. At least those are some of the reasons AI gave me when I inquired of its benefits. 

In my research, I also learned that AI helps our businesses with customer service, marketing, inventory management, sales forecasting, financial management, and website optimization.

While I’m cautious of the dangers of artificial intelligence, I’m also excited about how it can improve our lives and support our businesses. 

However, in order to use it wisely, we must learn effective AI communication in order to achieve our goals.

Here’s an example of why it’s important to communicate with AI that will simultaneously explain the title of this newsletter:

Today, a Facebook friend asked for a movie quote that gives away the film without mentioning the title.

My answer was, I want my two dollars.”  

The movie title for that quote popped into my head, but I immediately second-guessed myself, so I decided to ask AI.  I proceeded to write (not ask), “I want my two dollars” on ChatGPT. 

It responded, “I’m sorry, but I cannot provide monetary transactions or refunds as I am an AI language model. If you have any other questions or need assistance, feel free to ask.”

(Insert laugh here.)

I quickly rephrased my response to, “What movie is that quote from?”

AI immediately confirmed what I already knew—the quote “I want my two dollars” is from the 1985 comedy film Better Off Dead starring John Cusack.”

(Just for fun, in the movie, a paperboy kept showing up asking for the two dollars that the main character owed him.)

I’d like to add here that I didn’t have to rewrite the original comment. I only had to continue the conversation, which, I admit, can be a little unnerving. It’s as if you are speaking to a person that can follow the conversation. 

But I digress…

After this experience, I knew I had to write about AI and the best ways to ask the right questions because that’s how you get the best answers.

Here are five expert tips for effective AI communication in order to succeed:

  1. Be specific: Clearly state what you need help with or what information you seek. Providing detailed information helps the AI understand your request accurately. 
  2. Use natural language: Speak or type in a conversational tone similar to how you would communicate with another person. 
  3. Provide context: Give relevant background information or context to help the AI understand the situation better. Include previous conversations, appropriate details, or any specific preferences.
  4. Ask straightforward questions: Phrase your questions clearly and concisely to help the AI provide accurate responses. Avoid vague or ambiguous language that could lead to misunderstandings. This is where my mistake was when I first wrote, “I want my two dollars.” It was too vague. I hadn’t asked a question. I only wrote the quote. 
  5. Be patient: AI systems may need time to process your request and generate a response. Give the AI a moment to understand your question and provide a helpful answer. Sometimes, you may need to ask the question a few different ways to get the response you are looking for. 

By following these tips, you can ensure effective communication with AI and improve the likelihood of receiving the assistance you need. 

If you still need help asking the right questions or getting the help you are looking for, you can always contact me. I’d be happy to help, and I use a prepaid debit card system, so you won’t have to worry about me chasing you all over town asking for my two dollars.