Five Things for Business Owners to Know About Running a Business

Before I started my small business, I was terrified. I felt I needed more knowledge and entrepreneurial skills to take the leap and had no idea where to begin.

An idea came to me during the pandemic, but the country’s instability made me too afraid to try anything then.

It wasn’t until 2023, out of necessity, that I found the courage to pursue my dream.

Desperation led me to seek a business coach, knowing I couldn’t do it alone.

Despite my fears, I found the perfect coach.

Enrolling in VA School was the best decision I made as it taught me the fundamentals of starting a business.

I’m immensely grateful for that guidance.

A year into my business, I was busier than ever, but “Imposter Syndrome” would creep in occasionally.

The nagging thought in my mind was, “You may know how to start a business, but you’re not going to be able to run it successfully.”

As a Christian, I have learned to surrender every thought to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5) and focus on what is good, admirable, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). 

Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts, I concentrate on what I know and actively work on learning what I don’t.

This mindset has helped me focus on what will make me productive and successful.

Here are five things I want every business owner to know about running their business:

1. Be Good Leaders: Lead well, whether you lead yourself or a team. Make intelligent decisions and inspire others to do their best. Sometimes, you’ll need to encourage yourself to do your best.

2. Watch Your Money: This isn’t about greed but wisdom. Keep track of what’s coming in and going out. This will help you make smart choices and keep your business strong.

3. Make Your Customers Happy: Provide outstanding products and services and ensure excellent customer service. Building trust with your customers may require time, but as you give them what they want, they will return and bring others to you.

4. Stay Flexible and Try New Things: Be ready to adapt and be creative. Staying flexible keeps your business fresh and responsive to what people want.

5. Use Your Time Wisely: Effective time management is crucial. Focus on what’s essential and avoid wasting time on things that don’t matter.

These five principles are essential for any business owner.

There are certainly more critical points, but if I were to add one more, it would be to be consistent and not give up.

Success comes from getting up every day and doing the work.

Don’t stress about not getting everything done at once. Focus on a few important tasks each day.

If you feel overwhelmed, it might be time to ask for help.

That’s where I come in.

As a virtual assistant, I can take some of the overwhelming tasks off your plate so you can focus on the more critical work.

Let me know—I’m here to help. 

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