Feature of the Month: Calendly

Discovering Calendly, the Feature of the Month.

Last month, I began a series featuring a different tool each month. The goal is to introduce you to various virtual assistant tools that have proven helpful to me, providing detailed reviews and practical tips on how they can improve your small business operations.

This month, I’m highlighting Calendly—an online appointment-scheduling software that’s free to use.

Calendly automates the scheduling process, eliminating the need for back-and-forth emails to find the perfect meeting time with potential clients.

For my business, Calendly offers several benefits. It seamlessly integrates with my business calendar, ensuring that any appointments scheduled through Calendly automatically appear on my calendar. Similarly, if I schedule something on my calendar, it blocks out the corresponding time slot in my Calendly availability, preventing double bookings.

Here’s how I typically use Calendlyafter attending a networking event, any appointments made are added to my calendar and reflected in my Calendly availability. When someone expresses interest in setting up a one-on-one call, I share my Calendly link, allowing them to choose a convenient time slot. Alternatively, they can share their calendar, and I’ll select a suitable time.

Moreover, my Calendly account is linked to Zoom, so once an appointment is scheduled, the participant automatically receives a confirmation message containing meeting details and the necessary Zoom link.

Whether it’s networking events, discovery calls, training sessions, client follow-ups, or collaborative discussions, Calendly streamlines the scheduling process.

And the best part?

All of this functionality is available in the free version.

The free version includes one event type with unlimited meetings, basic calendar integration, and customization options for your booking page.

For those needing more advanced features, paid options are available.

The Standard plan is priced at $10 per month and offers unlimited event types, multiple calendars, and integrations with platforms like HubSpot and PayPal.

For teams requiring advanced features like reporting and automation, the Teams plan costs $16 per month and includes Salesforce integration and single sign-on capabilities.

Finally, the Enterprise plan caters to organizations with complex needs, offering enterprise-level security, admin control, and support. You’ll have to call for an estimate on this plan.

If you’re a larger company with sophisticated requirements, one of the paid plans might be suitable.

However, if you’re just starting and need a basic scheduling solution, Calendly’s free version is a fantastic option. It’s user-friendly and has greatly benefited my business operations.