The Art of Selling: A Realtors vs Email Marketing Comparison

11 Reasons Mailchimp Stand Out My husband and I recently started the process selling our home to relocate. Initially, we made a checklist of tasks: repainting dull areas, fixing a toilet, recaulking baseboards, trimming hedges, pressure washing sidewalks, and more.   Then, we enlisted the help of a realtor to set up our home on selling platforms, arrange for professional… Continue reading The Art of Selling: A Realtors vs Email Marketing Comparison

Six Strategies to Prevent Burnout

When starting a new business, there is so much to do that it’s often challenging to stop and rest. At least, it was for me. I was so excited about all I was learning and doing that I was reluctant to hit the brakes, thinking I could keep going indefinitely. I quickly realized I couldn’t… Continue reading Six Strategies to Prevent Burnout

3 Reasons Why Transcription is Crucial for Your Business

Years ago, I was the only in-house transcriptionist for a busy worker’s compensation clinic. My daily task was to transcribe every patient visit between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. It translated to about 80,000 keystrokes per day. The routine was simple: after the doctors met with the patient, they would dictate their… Continue reading 3 Reasons Why Transcription is Crucial for Your Business

3 Ways of Inexpensively Creating a Business Logo

Did you know that you DON’T need to shell out hundreds of dollars for a business logo, especially when you’re just starting your business? When I first started my business journey, my brother-in-law advised me to design an icon and then have a graphic designer convert it into a digital format. Since he happens to be an… Continue reading 3 Ways of Inexpensively Creating a Business Logo

Which Software Application Should I Use When There Are So Many?

Which One Should I Use? Here are Four of My Favorites Software Applications. When I first decided to start a Virtual Assistant (VA) business, I didn’t know where to begin. To gain the necessary knowledge and tools, I enrolled in VA school. This was the best decision I ever made. Through VA school, I received… Continue reading Which Software Application Should I Use When There Are So Many?

It’s OK To Ask For Help!

I never thought that I would start my own business. I’m just not entrepreneurial minded. At least I didn’t think I was, until my life’s circumstances dictated that I needed the freedom to be my own boss so that I could work from anywhere.  Since I launched my business, I’ve been able to do things… Continue reading It’s OK To Ask For Help!